Customer Data, Booking Details, Prices and Invoice on one glance

For every booking all relevant customer information, booking details with possible comments, prices and all invoice positions are available in one form. No switching to other interfaces or pages is necessary to view detailed information, create new guests are change invoice positions. Bookings can be easily moved to other rooms and free rooms and usage rates are easily visible in the overview.
Global Search
In the global search you can look up information quickly and easily by searching for customer names, companies, invoice numbers, booking numbers, dates.

Free Training for Your Employees
Cloud-Rooms has a clear and simple user interface that can be learned easily and quickly. Most employees fall into two groups:
- Training for cleaning staff: 5-10 minutes
The cleaning staff only needs to operate the time clock and the cleaning user interface. Both can be used by simple clicks on buttons: "start of work" and "end of work" for the time clock and "begin" and "done" for the cleaning of a room. This kind of training can be done in 5-10 minutes
- Training reception: 30-40 minutes
The reception management is also quite simple because bookings contain all relevant data (customer data, reservation data and invoice data). The training for reception duty can be done in about 30-40 minutes.
We offer training for your employees free of charge.
The system can be easily used with touchscreens

Many products use "drag & drop" for the booking-plan and also for other features, which works badly or not at all on a touchscreen. Cloud-Rooms has a booking-plan that can be used by simple clicks, which works fine on a smartphone or tablet.
Color scheme
Cloud-Rooms includes a color-scheme, which gives you a fast overview about the most important facts. Here are a couple of examples of cases where the color schemes helps:
In the booking plan and in the check-in / check-out lists the color shows whether a guest is checked in or not and whether a reservation has been requested or already booked.
In the booking plan and in the check-in / check-out lists the color also shows the invoice status. It is especially important for the receptionist to know, if the customer receives an invoice with check-out (to pay with cash or credit card) or if it should be sent via e-mail (for transfer).
In the cleaning plan the colors show which rooms need to be cleaned and which are currently being cleaned.