Adaptation to Your Needs
Cloud-Rooms offers a comprehensive amount of settings to optimally adapt to the requirements of your business. In this way you can continue to use your processes - Cloud-Rooms adapts to your business and not the other way around!
Integrated comments
Cloud-Rooms offers you the possibility to add comments at all steps to improve the communication. In the cleaning plan you can add a comment that is shown to the cleaning staff. In the bookings you can add comments which are shown directly in the booking-plan. On the duty roster you can add a reminder for each day that is then inserted into the chat at that day.
By using these comments you are not restrained to a rigid process, but can react to special circumstances, customer requirements or unforeseen events.
Can be terminated any time
Cloud-Rooms can be terminated any time and there is no notice period.
Customized System Configuration
You can change all the settings in Cloud-Rooms yourself
and not need help from any technician.
The system offers context-sensitive help.
Every hotel is different and also every is different.
Cloud-Rooms offers countless settings to correctly configure your rates, customize your header for invoices and also e-mail templates.