The flexible, mobile and efficient hotelsoftware for hotels, pensions and private rooms

Property management with smartphone, tablet or PC for an unbeatable low price. With all functions that are needed for a successful rental business, from booking-plan to accounting.

Wat RoomSoftware kan doen

RoomSoftware bestuur verhuurbare eenhede, soos kamers in 'n hotel of soortgelyke onderneming, sowel as individuele kamers, vakansiewoonstelle, seminaarsale, bote, ens. Toegang is wêreldwyd moontlik, met enige internetverbinding, met alle toestelle, of dit nou ’n selfoon, tablet, tradisionele persoonlike rekenaar of enigiets anders is waarop ’n webblaaier kan werk. Konteks-sensitiewe hulp is oral in die stelsel beskikbaar.


Cloud-Rooms offers a booking plan and a color scheme that allows you to know whether some booking item is merely an inquiry, a booking, whether the guest has already checked-in, etc. Also in the booking plan you can see at once the status of the invoice - whether the reception has to hand over the invoice at check-out, whether the invoice has been paid, whether the inoice is still missing, etc. The System also supports internal confirmations of bookings, which minimizes mistakes made by staff.

Check-in, Check-out and Customers in House

A list of all customers that will arrive, leave or stay is available. This list also includes the invoice status and much more information that will help you manage your hotel.

Price Management

Special price deals and price changes can be easily realized in RoomSoftware. In addition to standard prices for all room categories, special prices for companies and/or customers can be defined and it is also possible to define different prices for each day in a booking. It is also possible to define prices for specific time periods and also for specific weekdays, for example to create different prices on the weekend and on weekdays.